Sunday, October 30, 2011

Products of Society

-Mahatma Gandhi : "A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes."

In many ways this is true. However, lately, it seems like today's generation has the thinking part down, but doesn't understand the action that those thoughts require before they can become reality. I think they should pay closer attention to David Bly's concept!

-David Bly : "Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted."

People complain about money, but when presented with opportunity to get more they shy away from the hard work that opportunity requires. They want success, but look it in the face and refuse to achieve it.

This country....this world... will only begin to pick itself up from its depressed state when it's people make the choice to do what is necessary to achieve it. If you want success, don't wait for it...go and get it! If you want money...go and make it.

If after reading that paragraph you're thinking of all the reasons you can't, you've already lost. Successful people don't find ways to make excuses, they find ways to make opportunities.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Am I alone...

As long as I can remember I've always felt that I was different than every one else. My attitude toward life, my beliefs, my morals and my entire way of being. No matter how much someone believes they know me, they never really do. I'm not trying to act like I'm an intellectual genious that is superior to everyone around me. I'm just saying that my mind works is such a different way that even the most perceptive people will never be able to grasp what I am and how I think.

When I was younger I would display this difference more regularly. I can't even remember all the ways that I tried to stand out from everyone else. Those of you who have known me for a long time can remember the nail polish, different hair colors, sticking pins in through my skin, blue suede shoes, the skate pants, high socks and shorts, etc. Anything to set me apart from everyone else. These days I can't display my individuality as much as I would like. Conforming to social standard seems to be a necessary evil of keeping a career.

Sure I may speak differently, act differently or even have some manorizisms that others question. To answer this damn question for the last'm not gay, never been gay, and never will be gay....I LOVE women way too much. My true friends know that without a doubt. I think the majority of males in this world have some deep seeded fear of gay men. I don't have a single ounce of prejudice in me and I accept everyone for whatever they want. Which is why I don't ever pass judgement on anyone that is undo.

I've made a comment before about how I wonder if people would still be friends if they could hear each others thoughts. In my estimation, most people wouldn't be. The majority of friends say one thing to each other and in their heads think the worst of them. Just a word of advice for those who don't want to live in vain. If you think badly of someone, you're not their friend if you don't voice your opinion. I'm not friends with anyone that I can't tell how I feel. If there are any people that consider theirselves my friends who secretly think badly of me a favor and stop talking to me now instead of when I finally get wind of what you really think.

I guess the whole point of this rant is to say that people need to be who they really want to be, say exactly what they mean, and live life truthfully on every level.



Saturday, February 13, 2010

Break the Cycle and Enter My Twisted Mind

Since Myspace is annoyingly adolescent I am moving to blogging on here and posting it to Facebook.

New life, new location, new job, new friends and new problems! All in all the move went well, but I'm getting back in my Florida frame of mind. For my peeps up in GA I'm sure you thought I never left the Florida state of mind, but you'd be dead wrong. There was a huge shift mentally while I was there. It's a small town and a much slower pace. Now back in my state, the mind is catching back up.

It's like being reborn...I assume, haven't been reincarnated before...I don't think! Basically everything you see, do and are surrounded by are new. There is a freedom in that. After all, nothing and no one knows you so you're just as new to them as you are to them. Only problem with that is that you don't have anything comfortable for awhile. Eventually you get your own place, your new friends, new love interest, and begin developing your daily routines with work and personal life.

Thankfully I am the type of person that could live anywhere and be good with it. I'm not so southern that I couldn't live up north and I'm not so "city" that I couldn't live rurally. To me it's all about enjoying what you have in front of you. Too many people try and think of all the places they would rather be or all the things they would rather be doing. To me that's a complete waste of time. Stop thinking that you always need something you don't have and start appreciating and enjoying what's in front of you. As long as you live with 3 basic rules you'll be happy where ever you find yourself; Respect, Love and Faith.

Respect - Respect everyone and what they bring to the proverbial pool that is this earth. Respect your environment and don't take it for granted. Respect yourself and appreciate what you bring to the world. Everyone has something to bring to the plate. Disrespecting where you are, who you are or who you are with is simply disrespecting yourself. If you don't appreciate where you are, who you are and who you are with.....move or kill yourself and leave the positivity to the rest of us.

Love - Love anything and everything. Love the bad times as much as the good. Sounds backwards doesn't it? In all truth, you learn more and get more out of the bad things that happen to you in life than the good things so love the fact that you get to grow from them. Love everyone for who they are, not what they can do for you or what they can make you. No one likes a ass-kisser except for the one who's ass is getting kissed. Love the world for what it is, the place that you get to enjoy your life. Love your country, you couldn't be who you are if you weren't in this country. Even if this country is going to hell in a handbasket it is still the only place in the world that allows you to be anything you want to be with a little hustle and determination.

Faith - Don't worry I'm not going to get crazy religious here. Have faith that there is a bigger plan than you can see. It would be foolish for us to think that we can see the big picture. I know that I have had some experiences in my life that I wish I didn't go through and at the time I questioned why so much bad shit could happen to me. In the long run I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything, they made me who I am and helped me see things the way I see them. Have faith in humanity even when humanity looks you in the face and spits at your feet. There are good people out there and there are horrible people that have good in them, they just don't know how to express it. Have faith in your friends and family. Not everyone has a great family situation, but no one says that family has to be through blood. Some people have friends that are closer than family. Find those people in your life that you consider your "family" and don't let go. In the end, these are the people that really care.

That's my rant for the day, hit me up and let me know if you agree or disagree with any of my thoughts....
